Quit Smoking Today!

  Red Devil Wellbeing: Lower Columbia College is a tobacco-free campus.

You can be one of the millions that successfully quit this year!
Learn more below.

Why quit?

There are so many benefits from quitting tobacco!

  • Quitting smoking substantially reduces the risk of cancer and many other preventable diseases!
  • Secondhand smoke is also very harmful to nonsmokers exposed to cigarette smoke.
  • Among the 250 known harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 69 can cause cancer.
  • About 54% of American children ages 3-11 are exposed to secondhand smoke.
  • If you're a PEBB member, nonsmokers don't have to pay the $25/month tobacco surcharge.
  • You'll save so much money! See how much you'll save!

Interested in quitting?

Free Quit Hotlines

Programs & Resources

  • PEBB insurance providers offer smoking cessation resources and quit plans. Contact your insurance provider today!
  • Sign up for SmokefreeTXT to receive encouragement, advice, and tips to help you quit.
  • The Kill the Can and Quit Smokeless Tobacco websites are dedicated to helping people quit dip, smokeless, and chewing tobacco.
  • The American Heart Association shares FAQs about quitting smoking, a financial cost of smoking calculator, smokers confidence assessment, tips, and more!
  • National Cancer Institute's Smokefree.gov offers science-drive tools, information, and support to help you quit tobacco for good!
  • Check out the Guide to Quitting Smoking put together by the American Cancer Society.
  • Medicine such as nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, and nasal sprays can also help you quit!
  • Additional information on How can Smoking Harm Your Vision!
  • Tobacco Free Life offers guides, resources, reasons to quit, and more!
  • Quit Vaping App - This app offers support to teens and young adults to help them quit vaping. Effective January 1, 2020 it will become illegal to sell tobacco and vapor products to anyone under 21. Here are some things to know about the new law.

Forever tobacco-free

It is challenging to stay tobacco-free! Here are some tips to help you avoid tobacco for good!



SmartHealth Wellness Incentive

SmartHealth Wellness Incentive
Get Started Today!
Reach 2,000 points by to qualify for your wellness incentive!

Ashley Bromley, a LCC Business Student, successfully quit tobacco!
Read her inspiring story!

PEBB Program

PEBB Program

Campus Policy

Campus Smoke & Tobacco-free Policy



For more information on the 2019 World No Tobacco Day campaign go to World No Tobacco Day Info

Campaign resources and additional promotional opportunities


Contact Red Devil Wellbeing

Faculty & Staff Wellness

  Jennifer Lucas - Talent Acquisition 

  (360) 442-2122

Faculty & Staff Wellness

  Rebecca Noce - HR Generalist

  (360) 442-2125