Title IX Rights of Pregnant and Parenting Students and Employees

Lower Columbia College is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for students, faculty, and staff with current, potential, or past pregnancy or related conditions.

LCC’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 prohibits students from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities, including pregnancy. LCC’s Pregnancy Policy outlines the College’s responsibilities.

College Staff Obligations

When a student informs any College employee, including confidential employees, of the student’s pregnancy or related conditions, the employee must:

  1. Promptly provide the student, verbally or in writing, the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information, and
  2. Inform that student that the Title IX Coordinator can coordinate specific actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure the student’s equal access to the College’s education program or activity. 

If the employee reasonably believes that the Title IX Coordinator has already been notified of a student’s pregnancy or related condition, they are relieved of their responsibility to inform in this instance.  Absent information about conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination, employees should not directly inform the Title IX Coordinator of a student’s pregnancy or related conditions.  No College employee shall approach a student unprompted and ask about their pregnancy or related condition, or make assumptions about a student’s needs or medical status. 

Are you a student who is preganant or has a pregnancy-related condition? Contact the Title IX Coordinator at title9@lowercolumbia.edi or call 360-442-2340 to get help to take actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure you have equal access to the College's education program or activity.

Si usted un estudiante que esta ebarazada o tiene una condicion relacionada con el ebarazo, comuniquese con el coordinador del Titulo IX en titulo9@lowercolumbia.edu or 360-442-2340 para prevenir la discriminacion sexual y garantizar que usted tenga accesso igualitario al programa o actividad educativa de la Colegio.

Student Rights

A student who is pregnant or parenting may be provided accommodations so that they are not excluded from any education program or activity. These accommodations are determined through a cooperative process between the Title IX Coordinator and the office of Disability and Access Services on a case by case basis to determine reasonable accommodations for the student.

What qualifies under pregnancy or parenting rights?

  • Pregnancy or Related Conditions means:
    • Pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation;
    • Medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; or
    • Recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions.
  • Adoption of a child or placement of a foster child during the first 2 months from the time the child entered the home

How do I request accommodations?

Students seeking pregnancy or parenting accommodations should contact the Title IX Coordinator at title9@lowercolumbia.edu or Disability and Access Services (DAS) at (360) 442-2340. A staff member will discuss the pregnant or parenting individual’s needs, and may ask for documentation that supports the requested adjustments.

What types of accommodations may I request?

  • Reasonable Modifications means changes to the College’s policies, practices, or procedures as necessary to prevent sex discrimination and ensure equal access to the College’s education program or activity for a student experiencing pregnancy or related conditions.  Reasonable modifications are based on a student’s individualized needs and are determined in consultation with the student.  A modification that the College can demonstrate would fundamentally alter the nature of its education program or activity is not a reasonable modification.  Reasonable modifications may include, but are not limited to:
    • breaks during class to express breast milk, breastfeed, or attend to health needs associated with pregnancy or related conditions, including eating, drinking, or using the restroom;
    • intermittent absences to attend medical appointments;
    • access to online or homebound education;
    • changes in schedule or course sequence;
    • extensions of time for coursework and rescheduling of tests and examinations;
    • allowing a student to sit or stand, or carry or keep water nearby;
    • counseling;
    • changes in physical space or supplies (for example, access to a larger desk or a footrest);
    • elevator access;
    • voluntary leave of absence, or
    • other changes to policies, practices, or procedures. 

Is there a space for students to breastfeed and/or pump breast milk?

Lower Columbia College has a dedicated space for students to breastfeed and/or pump breast milk. Please contact Disability and Access Services at (360) 442-2340 for location and entry code.

Tile IX Guide for Pregnant/Parenting Students

Employee Rights

Pregnant employees may request certain changes to their working environment to accommodate their pregnancy and health conditions after the birth of the baby, such as the need to breastfeed or express breast milk. For a full description of rights available to employees affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, refer to LCC’s Pregnancy Policy. Additionally, through the Family Medical Leave Act and Paid Family & Medical Leave, employee parents are entitled to time off after the birth of a baby, placement of a foster child, or adoption.

How do I request accommodations?

Pregnant and parenting employees seeking accommodations or a leave of absence should contact Human Resources at (360) 442-2120 or hr@lowercolumbia.edu. Leave of absences and some accommodations require medical documentation or other verifying documentation.

What types of accommodations may I request?

  • Leave of absence (consecutive, intermittent, or combination of consecutive and intermittent)
  • Job restructuring including but not limited to: modifying a work schedule, job reassignment, changes to a workstation, equipment, telework
  • Frequent, longer, or flexible breaks
  • Scheduling flexibility

Click here for more information about your employment and benefits relative to pregnancy.

Is there a space for employees to breastfeed and/or pump breast milk?

Lower Columbia College has a dedicated space for employees to breastfeed and/or pump breast milk. Please contact Human Resources at  (360) 442-2120 or hr@lowercolumbia.edu for location and entry code.

Contact Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX /EEO Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator can address faculty, staff, and student concerns related to sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other actions that fall within the colleges' obligations under Title IX. In addition, contact any Taskforce Member.

Title IX / EEO Coordinator, Vice President of Foundation, HR & Legal Affairs

  Kendra Sprague
  Administration Building Room 115
  (360) 442-2121

Title IX / EEO Deputy Coordinator, Vice President of Student Services

  Sue Orchard
  Admissions Center Room 159
  (360) 442-2301

Director Disability & Access Services

  Mary Kate Morgan
  Admissions Center Room 143A
  (360) 442-2341