Make the most of your experience by applying for Veterans (VA) Education Benefits to help fund your education!

Veterans and qualified family members may be able to qualify for VA Education Benefits in addition to Financial Aid! Follow the steps below to ensure you take advantage of all the benefits available to you.

Navigate Blue logo

Step 1: Apply for Admission to LCC

If you are an incoming student, make sure to apply for admission! 

Department of Veterans Affairs Logo

Step 2: Apply for VA Education Benefits

Please have the following information easily accessible before you apply online:

  • Social Security number
  • Bank account direct deposit information
  • Veteran's military history
  • Education history

Important Note: If your application is approved, a Certificate of Eligibility letter will be sent to you via mail directly from VA. Please submit a copy of this certificate to LCC Veterans Services with the rest of the required documents in Step 7.

Military OneSource Logo

Step 3: Apply for Military Tuition Assistance (MilTA)

Military Tuition Assistance is a program offered by the U.S. Department of Defense to support active-duty, National Guard and Reserve Component service members in pursuing higher education. All four service branches and the U.S. Coast Guard offer financial assistance for voluntary, off-duty education programs in support of service members’ personal and professional goals. 


Step 4: Request an Official Joint Services Transcript (JST)

Courses you've taken in the military may qualify as credit for prior learning, which can be used to skip equivalent prerequisites and help you earn your degree faster. Veterans using VA Education Benefits (Step 2) are required to submit their JST to LCC.

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Step 5: Apply for Financial Aid

Applying for Financial Aid is not required to attend LCC, but it is strongly recommended. There is no fee to apply.

Important Note: The Financial Aid Office may take 3-6 weeks to process your application once it is submitted. 


Step 6: Enroll

Enrollment steps include activating your LCC student account, taking placement tests, submitting transcript evaluation requests, scheduling advisor meetings, and registering for classes. 

Important Notes:

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Step 7: Submit Documents to LCC Veterans Services

After an application has been submitted, the following paperwork needs to be submitted to LCC Veterans Services for your student file. Please submit all documents to the One-Stop/Veterans Services window in the LCC Admissions Center next to Financial Aid or attach all listed documentation online via the VA Education Benefits Acknowledgement Form.

  • VA Education Benefits Acknowledgement Form (see Financial Aid Forms)
  • DD-214 - Member 4 copy
  • Certificate of Eligibility copy from Step 2 (if approved)
  • Veteran Tuition Waiver (see Financial Aid Forms)
    • If your tuition is not 100% covered by VA Education Benefits
  • Veteran's Dependent Tution Waiver (see Financial Aid Forms)
    • For qualifying family members: If you are receiving Dependent Benefits, and your veteran is 100% disabled, or deceased, and you and your veteran are residents of Washington State you may be eligible for a Washington State tuition waiver. Complete the form to have your eligibility reviewed.

If you have separated from the military within the last 48 months OR will have a separation date within the next 48 months, please complete the Workforce Universal Application to be screened for additional funding resources.

Important Note: This step is essential! You will not be certified through the VA to receive benefits unless you submit the documents above to LCC Veterans Services.


Step 8: Submit a Quarterly Enrollment Certification Request Each Quarter

Once registered for classes, complete the Quarterly Enrollment Certification Request (see Financial Aid Forms).

  Important Note: This step must be completed each quarter!

Contacts for Veterans

Thank you for your service to our country. Assistance is provided to veterans and veteran dependent students at the Veterans Services window located in the Admissions Center during regular business hours. Alternatively, please contact any of the individuals listed below for information about veteran admission and VA benefits procedures, or for veteran support services.

 Admissions and Financial Aid

 Sarah Kirton, Financial Aid Advisor
  (360) 442-2611

Disability and Access Services

 Mary Kate Morgan, Director, Disability and Access Services & Special Populations
  (360) 442-2341

Veterans Resource Center

  Student Center (STC) 115

 Yolanda Misclevitz, Veterans Resource Center Navigator
  (360) 442-2346

Veterans Alliance

Connect with other veterans on campus, get help navigating the college system, and help ensure that the college is meeting the needs of veterans and their families.