Contacts for Veterans

Thank you for your service to our country. Assistance is provided to veterans and veteran dependent students at the Veterans Services window located in the Admissions Center during regular business hours. Alternatively, please contact any of the individuals listed below for information about veteran admission and VA benefits procedures, or for veteran support services.

 Admissions and Financial Aid

 Sarah Kirton, Financial Aid Advisor
  (360) 442-2611

Disability and Access Services

 Mary Kate Morgan, Director, Disability and Access Services & Special Populations
  (360) 442-2341

Veterans Resource Center

  Student Center (STC) 115

 Yolanda Misclevitz, Veterans Resource Center Navigator
  (360) 442-2346

Veterans Alliance

Connect with other veterans on campus, get help navigating the college system, and help ensure that the college is meeting the needs of veterans and their families.