Exhibition Dates

February 18 - March 13, 2025

Closing Reception

Thursday, March 13th from 4-6pm

About the Exhibition

Somewhere Else is a powerful new series by renowned artist Jane Szabo, exploring the emotional journey of longing, escape, and the search for home. Through striking photographs taken in natural landscapes and architectural interiors, Somewhere Else takes the viewer on a visual and emotional exploration. These images contemplate the delicate dance between the search for a physical place to call "home" and the deeper, spiritual quest for fulfillment. 

"When I am here, I long to be there. Yet, once I arrive, I find myself questioning whether this place fulfills my quest or answers my longing." - Jane Szabo

Follow the Artist on Instagram @janeszabophoto or visit her website for more info: https://www.janeszabophotography.com/



Rose Center for the Arts

Extensive use of timber establishes a bond with the region's history of lumber production and enhances the aesthetics and acoustics

Arts & Communication Programs

People who pursue careers in arts and communications are generally creative, expressive individuals who are good at communicating and are passionate about their craft.

About the Forsberg Art Gallery

Lower Columbia College's art gallery located in the Rose Center for the Arts features twenty foot high walls with ample space and complete flexibility for the display of art. The second level of the gallery is more intimate in nature and displays special items and the college's permanent collection, much of which has been donated. Natural light from a slot skylight gently illuminates the room to enhance the overall experience in the gallery.

Current exhibitions in the Art Gallery are free and open to the public. Posted receptions are free and open to the public as well.

Contact Forsberg Art Gallery

Gallery Inquiries

  Alyssa Milano-Hightower, RCA Director of Operations
  (360) 442-2511

 Gallery Hours

Mon - Thurs, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. (During Current Forsberg Exhibition Only)

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