Elizabeth (Betsy) Richard

Drama Director


Betsy teaches drama and directs three theater productions a year at Lower Columbia College. Betsy completed her Acting Training Certificate at the National Shakespeare Conservatory, NYC and holds degrees from CUNY and Eastern Michigan University. Locally Betsy has worked with the Portland Actors Conservatory, Artists Repertory Theatre, Oregon Children’s Theatre, Lakewood Theatre, and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

Prior to LCC, Betsy taught and directed at Central Michigan University, and acted for many years in NYC. Favorite directing projects outside of LCC include Ramona Quimby (OCT), Willy Wonka (Midland Center for the Arts, MI), and Race: How Blacks and Whites Think and Feel About the American Obsession, which toured Metro Detroit Schools.

Contact Betsy Richard

  (360) 442-2682


Robert Cochran

Rose Center for the Arts Technical Director

A.A ; Lower Columbia College
B.A.; University of Washington School of Drama

Robert has held the role of technical director of the Rose Center for the Arts since its opening in 2008. He also serves as the instructor of the stage crafts class for the drama program. A Kelso native, Robert graduated from LCC then transferred to the University of Washington School of Drama. He has worked as a scenic and Lighting Designer and served in a multitude of backstage roles including Technical Director at Arts West, Lakeside, Mercer Island High, and Okoboji Summer Theatre at Stevens College. In his free time he enjoys biking, kayaking, making ice cream, and flying.

Contact Robert Cochran

  (360) 442-2277


Contact the Drama Department

 Betsy Richard, Drama Instructor

  (360) 442-2682

 Robert Cochran, Rose Center for the Arts Technical Director

  (360) 442-2277