Monitoring Reports

LCC monitors Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), defined in the LCC Strategic Plan, through annual monitoring reports (see table below).

KPI Scorecard

Summary data is also available in the KPI scorecard, which also includes an appendix with descriptors for each KPI.

There are five monitoring reports representing the college's mission areas:

  1. Workforce and Economic Development
  2. Academic Transfer
  3. Preparation for College Level Studies
  4. Student Access, Support and Completion
  5. Institutional Excellence and Community Enrichment

Data in each report is reviewed and analyzed by a corresponding Monitoring Report Review Team before being presented to the LCC Board of Trustees.

LCC began monitoring the institution in this manner in 1999. A complete history of reports is available here.

Other Reports and Information

The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) publishes a wide variety of research reports.

Public Records Contacts

Public Records Officer

  Nolan Wheeler, VP Administration

  Administration Building, Rm 203

  (360) 442-2200       Fax: (360) 442-2129

Media Inquiries

  Wendy Hall, VP Effectiveness & College Relations

  Applied Arts, Suite 124

  (360) 442-2491


  Angie Rogers, Senior Institutional Researcher

  Applied Arts, Suite 124

  (360) 442-2490