Lower Columbia College takes photographs and videos on campus throughout the year. These images often include students, employees and guests in classrooms, computer labs, athletic events, and other campus activities.

Lower Columbia College reserves the right to use these photographs and videos as part of its publicity and marketing efforts. Those who attend, visit or work at Lower Columbia college do so with the understanding that these photographs and videos might include them and might be used in college publications, newspapers, and other media for publicity purposes.

Reference: LCC Administrative Policy No. 805, Procedure No. 805.1A

Public Records Contacts

Public Records Officer

  Nolan Wheeler, VP Administration

  Administration Building, Rm 203

  (360) 442-2200       Fax: (360) 442-2129

Media Inquiries

  Wendy Hall, VP Effectiveness & College Relations

  Applied Arts, Suite 124

  (360) 442-2491


  Angie Rogers, Senior Institutional Researcher

  Applied Arts, Suite 124

  (360) 442-2490