Learning Commons Data

The LCC Library & Learning Commons collects data on a variety of service areas, from circulation of materials to number of questions answered to usage of online resources. Below is a snapshot of some recently aggregated Learning Commons usage data.

Fall 2019 - Weekly Gate Count

Gate Count - Fall 2019

  • Week 1: 2,912
  • Week 2: 3,046
  • Week 3: 3,066
  • Week 4: 3,270
  • Week 5: 3,240
  • Week 6: 3,227
  • Week 7: 3,104
  • Week 8: 2,531
  • Week 9: 3,195
  • Week 10: 1,927
  • Week 11: 3,443
  • Week 12 (Finals Week): 2,123



Contact the Library/Learning Commons

Campus Hours

LCC campus is open during Spring Break with normal business hours Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Some Campus services may be closed (Red Devils Cafe, Library, Fitness Center)


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