What are Pillars?

The ctcLink system is made up of three main components, called pillars: Campus Solutions, also known as (CS); Financial Management (FIN); and Human Capital Management (HCM). There is a great deal of interaction between the various modules of a single pillar, but there are also interactions and reporting between pillars.

  • Campus Solutions (CS) will manage student administration and will replace the Student Management System (SMS), Financial Aid Management (FAM) and Degree Audit, as well as proving integration for self-service through mobile technology.

  • Financial Management (FIN) will support all of our business processing and will replace the Financial Management System (FMS). Will also provide significant additional functionality in Supply Chain Management (Purchasing).
  • Human Capital Management (HCM) will house all HR-related functionality and will replace the Personnel and Payroll Management System (PPMS). Also includes employee self-service.

To see the full list of modules available within any given pillar, please select a menu below.

Contact ctcLink Team

  Nichole Seroshek, ctcLink Project Manager/Business Process Analyst

   (360) 442-2113

  Kara Mathers, Business Process Analyst/Document Management Specialist

   (360) 442-2112