The ctcLink mobile app has a new look!

Use the app to access the ctcLink login portal, Canvas, the LCC website, directory, calendar, map, bookstore, emergency information, student email, the LCC Athletics website, Navigate, and more!

Canvas users: if you want to access Canvas through your ctcLink app, be sure to log out of the Canvas app if you've downloaded it on your device!

The mobile app is a good option for people who use screen readers to interact with digital content.

Note: use your ctcLink ID number and password you created to log in to the app.

Search for "ctcLink" at the App Store (iPhone) or Google play (android phones).

You can also use the app from a computer. Access it at the following link:

Account activation is required in order to use the app - see our main ctcLink page.

Google Play Badge

Apple App Store Badge

This is a screen shot of the ctcLink mobile app, featuring links to the ctcLink login portal, the LCC website, Canvas, student email, Navigate, and more.


Contact ctcLink Team

  Nichole Seroshek, ctcLink Project Manager/Business Process Analyst

   (360) 442-2113

  Kara Mathers, Business Process Analyst/Document Management Specialist

   (360) 442-2112