
Within ctcLink, there are a number of standard reports available to the users who have permission to access the data they contain. Because standard reports don't always provide the needed information, there is also a way to search for and build customized reports (called queries in ctcLink). Users with appropriate permissions can view and run queries that live in the system. Unlike Data Express in Legacy which only displayed LCC reports, the list of customized ctcLink queries includes the entire state. The list is huge and poses challenges for end users looking for something specific. Only a small number of designated individuals, called report writers, can build queries. Please use the form, below, to request a customized query. Requests will be routed to the appropriate individual.

End User Responsibility

  1. Before seeking out a query, users should review their processes within PeopleSoft to determine if there is a need for a query.
  2. In the event a user concludes a query is required, they will search for a suitable query using query viewer and the query/report repository metaLink. Please see the Recommended Methods of Searching for Queries and Reports.
  3. When a user cannot find a suitable query/report for their needs, they will submit a report request that will be sent to an LCC query developer (i.e., report writer).

For more information on searching for or running queries, employees can enroll in SBCTC's online ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Reporting Course.

Query Developer Responsibility

  1. The query developer will clarify user needs and determine if a satisfactory query/report exists.
  2. If the query developer concludes no such satisfactory query/report exists, they will confer with the reporting lead to decide the best way to meet the user's needs. This could mean:
    1. Identifying a suitable query for modification.
    2. Creating a new query.
    3. Opening a ticket with the State Board.
    4. Establishing a delivery mechanism outside of PeopleSoft, supported by ECR (Effectiveness & College Relations) or IT.

Technical Assistance

Assistance with queries and reports can be requested through the IT Helpdesk portal.

Contact ctcLink Team

  Nichole Seroshek, ctcLink Project Manager/Business Process Analyst

   (360) 442-2113

  Kara Mathers, Business Process Analyst/Document Management Specialist

   (360) 442-2112