Strike up the Band!
Enriching instrumental music
opportunities for students
and community members
offered by LCC.
Enriching instrumental music
opportunities for students
and community members
offered by LCC.
Performing an exciting array of music from many genres under the direction of Dr. Rob Davis, the LCC Symphonic band is an auditioned ensemble comprised of 50-60 music students and community members.
The LCC Symphonic Band regularly features nationally recognized guest soloists. Recent artists include:
In addition to regular season concerts, the LCC Symphonic Band performs at the LCC Commencement Ceremonies.
For audition information contact Rob Davis at rdavis@lowercolumbia.edu
A 20 piece big band comprised of music students and community members under the direction of Portland jazz pro Ryan Meagher, the LCC Jazz Band performs a fun and exciting repertoire of jazz classics. In addition to regular concerts each term, the Jazz Ensemble often performs at college and community events.
Prior knowledge of jazz improvisation is not required. The group is open to trumpet, trombone, all saxophones, drum, bass, and guitar players with strong musical skills and good music reading abilities.
For audition information contact Ryan Meagher rmeagher@lowercolumbia.edu
See Quarterly Class Schedule for list of available classes and times or contact Rob Davis atrdavis@lowercolumbia.edu
Beginning and intermediate private instruction is available in (but not excluded to):