Each spring LCC faculty and staff recognize outstanding students from their respective fields of study.

These students are honored at an Outstanding Students Awards Ceremony hosted by the Associated Students of Lower Columbia College. Congratulations to all the students who have achieved outstanding student recognition!

LCC faculty and staff selected the following outstanding students for recognition in 2023-2024.

Athletics & Student Programs

Female Scholar Athlete- Kate Johnson
Male Scholar Athlete- Owen Luchies
Student Government- Alyssa Van Cleef
International Program- Makiko Masuda

Bachelor of Science

BAS- Teacher Education- Tammy Ransom
BAS-OLTM- Ava Ransford

College & Career Prep

Adult Basic Education - Javi Gonzalez
English Language Learners- Yair Martinez-Aguilar
Open Doors - Armando Perez

Business and Information Technology

Accounting-Skyler White
Accounting Technician -Shonna Boyd
Business Technology, Administrative Service Manager-Molly Mundell
Business Technology, Medical Office Administration- Michaelle Graves
Business Management- Ashley Morales
Business- Marcello Baeza-Brogdon
Information Technology- Samantha Thomas


Early Childhood Education - Sutisa Adams
Education- Taylor Peterson

Industrial Technology

Advanced Manufacturing- Cole Lutgen
Automotive Technology- Miguel Morales
Diesel Technology- Rudy Wallace
Machine Trades- Jesse Bowen
Welding- Trevor Hickman

Language & Literature

English | Composition - Josefine Kuoppala
English (Pre-College)- Aaron Sweringen


Math (Applied)- Oksana Tsybikova
Math (Pre-College) - Mia Vandermeer
Math (Transfer) - Cayden Lukken

Natural Science

Biology- Cassondra Rosebraugh
Biology/Pre-Nursing - Jason Loza
Earth Science- Christopher Levy
Physics- Stefan Byman

Nursing, Allied Health, & Wellness

Medical Assisting- Dawn Lockrem
Nursing Program- Kristen Belisle
Health & Fitness- Tristan Harrier

Social Science

Anthropology- Morgan Imhof
Criminal Justice- Laynara Howerton
History- Spencer Little
Sociology - Tetiana Ishchuk

Performing & Visual Arts

Communication Studies- Jenna Ballantyne
Drama- Cherish-Ann Krebs
Music- Vocal - Laurien Zahn
Music- Instrumental - Micah Boursaw

All-Washington Academic Team

Micah Boursaw, Isha Sarah Snow, Lillian Williams-Chambers

ASLCC 2024 Hall of Honors

Contact Student Awards

  (360) 442-2443