Here are answers to common questions asked by International students.
If you cannot find an answer, email us at international@lowercolumbia.edu or call (360) 442-2310.
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Here are answers to common questions asked by International students.
If you cannot find an answer, email us at international@lowercolumbia.edu or call (360) 442-2310.
All LCC students have an identification number, usually referred to as an "SID Number," short for Student Identification Number or Student ID Number. This is a nine-digit number assigned when you are admitted and is printed on your Student ID card.
Your Lower Columbia College Student ID card serves as your College library card and gives you free transportation on River Cities Transit buses, free access to the Computer Labs, entry into the Gym & Fitness Center, Learning Commons/Library, and Test Proctoring Center. It also entitles you to free admission to LCC-sponsored Arts and Entertainment, athletic events, and other activities.
If you lose your Student ID card, a replacement fee will be charged. The fee is subject to change. See Tuition & Fees for the current fee.
New students will attend a mandatory New Student Orientation shortly after arrival, where they will learn important information about the college and register for their first quarter of classes.
If you have completed a quarter or more of classes at LCC, you can register for classes using CTC link. Be sure to see your advisor, and register at your earliest registration time to get the classes you need.
Students can change their scheduled classes after registering as follows:
Additional information can be found in the current Academic Catalog. See section on 'Enrollment'.
Many resources are available to help you, including:
Your advisor will provide professional academic advising designed to help you succeed in your educational goals.
We recommend you meet with your advisor every quarter, and any time you have questions.
LCC's Career Center maintains a current listing of all on-campus jobs available to LCC students.
International students are eligible for jobs classified as 'Student Employment'. However, you are not eligible for 'Work Study' jobs.
Follow instructions at Steps for Obtaining a Social Security Number provided by the US Department of Homeland Security.
Become more familiar with requirements for International Students and Social Security Numbers provided by US Social Security Administration.
Longview Social Security Office
840 Ocean Beach Hwy Suite 150
Longview, WA 98632
Phone: (800) 772-1213
Tuition due dates are posted at Dates & Deadlines.
A Tuition Payment Plan is available for students who are interested in making smaller, more convenient monthly payments.
Students who have not made arrangements to pay by the posted deadline will be dropped from their classes.
Learn more about options for paying your tuition at Payment Options.
You may view your grades (unofficial transcripts) via the LCC website, several days after the last day of the quarter. Your unofficial transcript may be printed, as needed.
To access your grades see Get Grades/Unofficial Transcript. Student ID and Global PIN required.
The Honors List is compiled by the Registrar's Office at the end of each quarter to recognize students who have achieved commendable grade point averages.
Quarterly President's and Dean's Lists are submitted to The Longview Daily News for publication and are posted on the LCC website. See Honors Lists. Graduates who have achieved the President's List or Dean's List every quarter are recognized with a gold cord at the annual Commencement Ceremony.
Obtain your current class schedule at Student Schedule. Student ID and Global PIN required.
Apartments are available on a first-come, first serve basis. Students wishing to move to an LCC apartment must make a formal request to move to the apartments by submitting the Apartment Application Form. Only requests submitted by this form will be considered.
Follow instructions provided by the Washington State Department of Licensing.
Alternatively, refer to this fact sheet on Applying for a Driver's License or State Identification provided by US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement.
If you do not have a valid driver's license from another country, you must take the knowledge and drive tests.
See Steps to getting your first license - provided by the Washington State Department of Licensing.
See the below information provided by the Washington State Department of Licensing.
Should you decide to buy a car, it is required by law to have automobile insurance and a driver's license. Unfortunately, it is not always easy for international students to qualify for automobile insurance.
Be aware that if you drive a car without the required insurance, you could receive a large fine. Please consider the steps involved in getting your driver's license, as well as the cost of insurance when buying a car.
The office is open for students and visitors Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and Fridays 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8:00). Office hours during the breaks may differ, and the campus is closed on Fridays during the Summer session.
Alan Thompson Library (LIB) 110
(360) 442-2310